My life while the world spins madly on...

Thoughts arising while working as a scientist or just randomly spinning from my brain.

I don't give a damn, I'm happy as a clam, nobody knows me at all

[This and the section title borrowed from the Weepies - great lyrics.]

Everything here is just what I think and does not represent opinion of my employer or anybody else. See the Impressum.

Saturday 12 October 2013

#coffee #wine dangerous love #japan and #spies

For the last 2.5 months of the year we are now stocked up with coffee at the office. 200 shots:

No sleep no more.

On Thursday I read about Haruki Murakami, because he was one of the candidates for the Nobel this year. They wrote about a new translation of one of one of his books and I decided to buy it. It is, I guess, about life in general and a love that might be imagined, or not.

I hope to learn more about Japan from this, which has always been fascinating to me. Today I also read this article about Japan's ageing community and the future. Kiki and Kikai, crisis and opportunity.

With a good book a good glass of wine is always a good thing. ;)


The Lehmann wines are usually quite good. This one needs to breath for a while, because it is a bit sour, or sharp in the beginning, but the I rather liked it.

Also today (when do I even work, huh?) I read about #GCHQ and the #Snowdon files in this article in the Guardian

It gives a different view on the story, mostly a British and why Brits. did not have such an outcry about the story, as everybody else had. But the most interesting thought, which I fully agree with, is that we of course want to have spies, people that protect our democracies. Only there has to be a clear cut of what they are allowed to do and what not.

Finally something else from the Guardian:



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