My life while the world spins madly on...

Thoughts arising while working as a scientist or just randomly spinning from my brain.

I don't give a damn, I'm happy as a clam, nobody knows me at all

[This and the section title borrowed from the Weepies - great lyrics.]

Everything here is just what I think and does not represent opinion of my employer or anybody else. See the Impressum.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Vacations a the Côte d'Azur - And a nice moon.

On the way to spend two weeks a the beautiful and hopefully very warm and sunny Côte d'Azur. Looking forward to the snorkelling and a lot of fun. Time to read some books (only took two scientific ones!). Maybe I even managed to finish "Thinking fast and slow", bought a year ago in Scotland. Meanwhile there was a beautiful moon over Cologne last week.





Saturday, 20 July 2013

They are our public servants. We pay them!

“What the hell do they think we are — puppets?” Ms. Thomas asked. “They’re supposed to stay out of our business. They are our public servants. We pay them.”

This sentence is credited to Helen Thomas who recently died

I think it is more true and important then ever today...

! Engagez-vous !

Friday, 19 July 2013

#China "harvesting" organs from people on dead row

This article is manly about some other atrocities, which are unproven, but that they take organs from executed people is official. Didn't even know, yet.

Although apparently authorities vowed to abandon this, it is a disgrace to all mankind!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

#Köln #Excellent #Women

There is currently a two day meeting here at the glorious Cologne Bio Centre, including a nobel laureate in attendance (telling PI's to fire their PhD students if they don't deliver - pretty fast). Far from wanting to judge on the meeting in any way I'd just like to take the liberty and translate the meeting's title as I just read it on a welcome board:

Cologne Excellent Women in Science


Köln exzellent(e) Frauen in Wissenschaft


Makes sense, eh? Köln Rulez!

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


One thing about being a computer scientist most of the time these days: when there is insomnia one can just sit down and hack some commands.

2 nights in a row again: need sleep.......

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Kongo genocide and what I don't understand today

So what I really don't understand anymore in the world today. Only a few years ago Gaddafi was about to become the friend of the West, allowed to pitch his magnificent tent in the middle of Paris. Then suddenly we bomb him away - just because some Philosopher tells the French president it's about time to. Don't get me wrong, I still think Germany should actually have joined in in the no flight zone enforcement and not cowardly bowed out - I just don't get why suddenly. Then Assad. The man has always been kind of an ally to the West, a balancing force in the region - now we want to get rid of him. Again, the West should have acted there much earlier, before thousands of people were massacred, but the sudden transition in politics and media. I mean it's not that these people became kleptocratic despots within the last couple of years, they have been grinding every penny out of these countries for decades, it's a family business.

Now then the Kongo: There is an ongoing genocide there for a long as I can think (or notice such things) - 20 years or so. Every now and then a bit of coverage in the media, but any outcry? Anything happening bar some good willed, but largely powerless UN missions? Nothing!!! So this is disgusting really - and I don't understand the ignorance.