My life while the world spins madly on...

Thoughts arising while working as a scientist or just randomly spinning from my brain.

I don't give a damn, I'm happy as a clam, nobody knows me at all

[This and the section title borrowed from the Weepies - great lyrics.]

Everything here is just what I think and does not represent opinion of my employer or anybody else. See the Impressum.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

ARGO f.. yourself

wouldn't actually have thought Ben Affleck capable of something like this. Hmmm, then again he was involved in making Dogma, wasn't he. Not that his character (although the lead) is played fantastic or something, but the film as a whole is really really good. So he has to be credited for that.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

"I am a rock, not just another grain of sand"

Yippee ki-yay, there is a new Bon Jovi album - and even better, they are coming into town this summer. Yippee ki-yay indeed.


Yeah, es gibt ein neues Bon Jovi Album. Und das beste: die kommen nach Kölle im Sommer. Müngersdorfer Stadion. Hurraaaah!


"I ain't a soldier but I'm here to take a stand because we can"

Astonishingly how fast one can go down the impact ladder...

it has to be said, I suck at most board games. Actually most at "Die Siedler" - sometimes I manage to win at "Carcassone". What has one to do with the other? Don't know, but I read on about Zen and Motorcycle Maintenance...

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Proudly presenting the 1st of Sexy Science Pieces

With this, I am creating a series of short reports running under the name of Sexy Science Pieces. I will use this to make analyses available to the public which popped up during my daily work. These "Pieces" I think are interesting and/or important for the scientific community, but are not "full fledged" scientific analyses.

The first one actually deals with the finding that the CEGMA pipeline to access completeness of de-novo sequenced eukaryotic genomes does annotate genes in bacterial genomes. This might be a problem if the de-novo genome is not cleaned from possible contamination before running the pipeline.

Please have a look at Figshare and tell me what you think. ;-)

Sexy Science Piece #1: E. coli is 16% CEGMA complete. Philipp Schiffer. figshare.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Darwin proved right again!

Going back to work on a MS one left on the (virtual) shelf about 3 years ago is guaranteed for an awkward feeling with some embarrassing textual surprises...

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The biggest surprise in this: they elected an old man!

Haha, the Italian Bishops issued a press statement with congratulations and it still said Angelo Scola as the new pope's birth-name. Somebody a bit to sure there I guess. #pope

Zen and the art of Fenchelauflauf









Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Lamprey HOX cluster - can somebody explain?

Smith et al., Feb. 2013, Nature Genetics
Here is a picture taken from a recent paper (doi:10.1038/ng) on the Lamprey genome. The authors make some interesting assumptions on the initial timing of whole genome duplications in the vertebrate lineage. However looking at this picture I just don't get it. Assuming that co-linearity is not really important (let's call it my own believe for now), but how to construct an ancestral* state of a cluster in this scenario? Or is there a problem with the assembly (could be when looking at the mirs)? Is it weird? Well, could well be, that I don't understand right now.

* "ancestral" is always a very bad word when looking a species we see today, but in this case it is called for by the paper itself I think.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Na danke!

Okay, verstanden, ich sag nichts mehr... :D

It is a disgrace screaming into your face

that the so-called free world is just standing by:

Unternehmen Sie etwas Frau Merkel, Herr Westerwelle, unternehmen Sie etwas!



Dear Mr. Wintersmith, really I think it is enough for this year

I mean, it was fun having you around with some snow pre-Christmas. However, it already got a bit too excessive in January. February, well seeing you in Oxford was okay, but actually you could have been a day earlier to help with getting that footy. But now, honestly, it is mid March and this is central Europe, not Lapland or something.
January outside Cologne on my way to work
A lost football in Christchurch Meadows

Footy hunting

Snow in beautiful Oxford
Snow again today

Thursday, 7 March 2013

What is this?

This was apparently already known and used in old Egypt and today no scientist can work without it. So what is it?


London Bankers or American Torturers, what is more disgusting?


can't really say...

Was ist eigentlich abstossender, superreiche Banker oder amerikanische Folterknechte? Schwer zu sagen...

Sunday, 3 March 2013

springtime - yeah

wow, first day this year to ride to work in the bright sun with a blue sky. beautiful. actually one should skip work today, but well...

der Frühling ist da. wie cool. eigentlich fast zu schön zum Arbeiten...