My life while the world spins madly on...

Thoughts arising while working as a scientist or just randomly spinning from my brain.

I don't give a damn, I'm happy as a clam, nobody knows me at all

[This and the section title borrowed from the Weepies - great lyrics.]

Everything here is just what I think and does not represent opinion of my employer or anybody else. See the Impressum.

Monday, 3 December 2012

a unicorn, a unicorn cave!

Wow, North Korea to discover a unicorn cave This is so exciting, if the archaeologists got a hint directly out of heaven from Kim Jong-il through their invisible mobile phones ( And this the same day that Will and Kate announce the long awaited. Fairy tales come true...

Eine Einhornhöhle mitten in Nordkorea - wow! Ob die Archaeologen einen Hinweis direkt von Kim Jong-il aus dem Himmel bekommen haben? Durch ihre unsichtbaren Handys ( Und das am gleichen Tag, an dem William und Kathryn die Schwangerschaft bekannt geben. Wie im Märchen.