the original 5 a day. Noch dazu die "Sea Salt" Sorten. Fragt sich nur mit welchen man anfängt...
Thoughts arising while working as a scientist or just randomly spinning from my brain. My life while the world spins madly on.
My life while the world spins madly on...
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Saturday, 27 October 2012
gesch??ttelt, nicht ger??hrt
New haircut, call it #Skyfall - fun must be! Okay, eh, back to work...
Neue Frisur, aus Indi wird James :D Kleiner Spass am Samstag. Eh, naja, ich mach dann mal weiter...
Thursday, 25 October 2012
How to eat a Triceratops
Says it all, right there in the title:
Easter Island heads walking
and I always thought Godzilla put them there...
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Die Elite von heute...
Und ja, das wird dann bald ??berall so sein:
In diesem Artikel wird sch??n das gro??e ??bel der Exzellenzinitiative dargestellt. Heute sind es noch die Leuchtt??rme der Wissenschaft, aber in wenigen Jahren schon wird keine Uni mehr wissen wie sie die ganzen Stellen finanzieren soll. Dann sind auch schnell die (nun profilierten) K??pfe wieder weg. Hat auch mal jemand dran gedacht, dass die ganzen zus??tzlichen Stellen in den Verwaltungen vermutlich zum Gro??teil auf Lebenszeit sind?
Und wer hat die ganze Zeit dann nichts davon gehabt? Richtig (!), die Studenten.
English version to follow... eventually
Sunday, 21 October 2012
almost there, almost there
two figures and finish conclusions, almost there... . to sleep or not to sleep, that is the question?!? Music: Goo Goo Dolls "Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive".
So sleep and maybe loose the 'flow', but maybe find some even better ideas, or go on and drop tomorrow ... ?
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Why is this?
You look at your watch and it's about 10min past 7 and you think: "well about time to pack up and go home". Next time you look at your watch when you are actually leaving the building and it's half past eight... .
"Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht, ist es wirklich schon so spät?" Ich versteh das nicht, du schaust auf die Uhr, 10 nach 7, denkst okay Zeit nach Hause zu gehen und dann schaust du wieder auf die Uhr wenn du das Gebäude verlässt und es ist plötzlich halb neun. Wie geht das?
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Now having seen the movie 3 1/2 times, I say it's one of the best spy movies ever, even better than Spy Game. It's really just about to reach the John le Carr?? novel as much as a movie can reach a book (condensed as it has to be).
Flying Austrich, #stratos, #LiveJump
So what if it goes 'tschaaadoing' in your garden tonight?
- Keep calm
- It's just a flying Austrich putting his had in the sand (it is habitual to the species)
- Slowly tug it out by its feet, but beware, might be hot to the touch
- Put it back upright again and feed it a can of RB...
- it will fly home then...; normally they can't fly, apparently this one does.
Thus: no worries at all... :D
Friday, 12 October 2012
Ah, aaaah, killer viruses everywhere - run: If you see the hills, run the other way!!
There was this article: on 'deadly viruses that threaten human survival', which is an edited extract from a new book called 'Spillover'. The book seems to feature on it's front page a male baboon in full facial colours, and I guess that tells it all. How can anybody, whith any sense for evolution proclaim that there is a threat to (whole) mankind by some 'killer virus'?
There is this interview with a German virologist who basically states that these killers are killing to fast to pose a major threath He also points to one very important thing, it might actually be possible to create vaccines against (most of) these 'killer bugs', but as with e.g. all the nematode inflicted illnesses, there is no market as African nations can't pay - and that's the big issue.
In the end it comes down to this as well: do people need to travel to Africa (yes!) and then go and explore some remote caves (no?). Do people need to go and have a look at the last Gorillas? Wouldn't it be better to protect them but leave them alone? In the end what are we arguing to have Zoos for?
Whoever thinks he has to book a cruise (which is decadent) and then is confronted with a sinking ship, that's their problem. So whoever thinks there is need to crawl through some dark African cave... So, who is going to write that in a book? Advising people on what is sensible travelling, and what isn't? And in addition, if you have the time and money to go to Africa, maybe spend some extra time to get into the culture and some extra money to help peoples standard of living (in whatever way that could be achieved).
BLACKADDER: Run for your lives! Run for the hills!
BALDRICK: Er, My Lord, they're coming from the hills.
BLACKADDER: Oh, sorry. Run away from the hills! Run away from the hills! If you see the hills, run the other way!
Grad keine Zeit für ne Deutsche Übersetzung (der Post lag jetzt schon über ne Woche in Drafts), kommt aber noch...
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
#Poldi4Gunners :
#PhilisIndi :Does this mean I should stop bringing my 'Indi hat' to work?
Which I indeed just started again. Might give a wrong expression. Oli, have a say!
Sollte ich vielleicht doch nicht meinen Indi Hut anziehen. Hab ihn doch grad erst wieder ausgegraben und mit zur Arbeit genommen. Oli, was denkst du?
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
#Science : US Americans fake it, Chinese, Indians and Others steal it and ...
... then the Chinese just publish it a second time. To put it at the front, Germany is apparently not doing much better when it comes to fraud. Just skimming the recent PNAS on scientific misconduct (and Chapeau! for them to bring this, given their top ranking in Table 1) and looking at Figure 2 it seems to be like just described. Also interesting Science and PNAS rank top in retractions, is this due to a superb monitoring system, or bad review in the first place? Astonishingly most articles that get retracted are apparently fraud, not 'just' bad research.
Letzte Woche gab es ein Paper in PNAS, wo die Rate and zurück gezogenen Artikeln im Verhältnis zum Rückzugsgrund gesetzt wurde. Während leider auch deutsche Wissenschaftler einen großen Anteil der Betrugsartikel beisteuern kann man alles plakativ auf einen Nenner bringen: US Amerikaner fälschen es, Chinesen, Inder und Andere schreiben dann ab und am Ende wird es in China noch ein weiteres mal veröffentlicht. Interessant ist auch, dass die beiden großen Journals Science und PNAS in der Tabelle 2 mit den aufgrund von Betrug zurück gezogenen Artikeln führen. Da stellt man sich die Frage: liegt das am guten (nach) Nachprüfsystem, oder an schlechten Referees zu Beginn? Weiterhin erstaunlich ist, dass die meisten Artikel tatsächlich aufgrund von Betrug zurück gezogen werden.
Fang (2012) Misconduct accounts for the majority of retracted scientific publications: 1–6. doi:10.1073/pnas.1212247109/-/DCSupplemental/st01.docx.
couldn't finish this paper for being on expeditions ..... for 30 years!
Palaeontologists, you have to love them! 30 years constantly going on expeditions - maybe I should swap branches back again after my thesis...
Wie cool, das Paper wurde nicht fertig weil der Autor 30 Jahre lang auf Expediditionen war. Vielleicht sollte ich nach meiner Diss. doch wieder zurück in die Paläontologie wechseln...
Monday, 8 October 2012
just got reminded that there is another paper to finish...
und da fällt mir grad ein, ich müsste da mal noch ein Paper fertig machen...
Thursday, 4 October 2012
#TheTudors: and thus he went, the king of England
wondering who will be bragging around in the background next week while I am paper writing. Suggestions?
Und so geht er von uns, der König von England. Wer schimpft wohl nächste Woche im Hintergrund, während ich Paper schreibe? Jemand ne Idee?
The Tudors: why these leaps?
Finding that Sir Henry's hair has become grey since last Thursday I am a bit irritated.
Schon seltsam, Henry der 8. ist seit letztdem Donnerstag um Jahre gealtert. Wie kann das?
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
or is it?!? maybe a small 'baem' for now...