My life while the world spins madly on...

Thoughts arising while working as a scientist or just randomly spinning from my brain.

I don't give a damn, I'm happy as a clam, nobody knows me at all

[This and the section title borrowed from the Weepies - great lyrics.]

Everything here is just what I think and does not represent opinion of my employer or anybody else. See the Impressum.

Friday, 31 August 2012

These are the heroes of the free world then...

A report about the current state of parts of the US Army: nazis galore as it seems...

Dies ist ein Artike über ein Buch, dass Teil der US Armee beschreibt: Nazis und Irre...

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Steve Jobs going 'thermonuclear war' on Jean-Luc Picard



Don't listen to a word I say


The screams all sound the same


Diaspora just about to get public; own your data! Join up today...

Diaspora wird jetzt ein Community Project. Behaltet eure Daten für euch und meldet euch an...


Though the truth may vary; This ship will carry on

Sunday, 26 August 2012

who needs to go on the Everest anyway?!

The idea alone to take your 13 year old son to the top of Mount Everest should be under legal punishment. Americans...

Allein schon die Idee den 13 jährigen Sohn auf den Mount Everest nehmen zu wollen sollte unter Strage stehen. Amerikaner...

Saturday, 25 August 2012

"That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind."

read somewhere, that he actually was supposed to be the 2nd.

irgendow hab ich mal gelesen, dass er eigentlich der zweite hätte sein sollen.

wie cool!

Syria: shouldn't we do something?

This is really getting un-bearable shouldn't the UN go in there and keep both sides apart - whatever this is, it's civilians dying. Germans could go, just want to hear Russia when we say we buy our gas elsewhere then thus winter...

Die Situation wird doch unertraglich. Sollte nicht die UN mit Truppen nach Syrien gehen und die Kämpfe stoppen. Werimmer für dies verantworlich ist, es sind Zivilisten die sterben. Deutschland könnte eingreifen, ich möchte mal die russischen Einwänder hören, wenn wir sagen wir kaufen unser Gas woanders diesen Winter...


Take care, these are really drastic pictures! Achtung sehr drastische Bilder!

Friday, 24 August 2012

Rugby today: go All Blacks go!

Once again have to listen to Rugby on the Internetradio instead of watching. Why is German Sport TV rather showing boring Road Cycling (that's not a sport anymore! who is going to win today, is it Rodrigo EPO, or good old Brad Salbutamol?), than All Blacks vs. Wallabies?!?!?

Da spielen die All Blacks gegen die Wallabies um den Bledisloe Cup 2012 und was kommt im Sportfernsehen, langweiliges Rennradfahren. Ha, das ist noch nicht mal ein Sport, wer gewinnt denn da heute, Rodrigro da EPO oder Brad Salbutamol? Wenigstens gibt es Internetradio direkt aus NZ.

Go All Blacks, go!

computer dead again

and just about one week later my computer harddisk that already cost me three days last time dies (this time for good as it seems). Called the service line to get my next day repair service. Obviously that is not on saturdays...

tja, und nur eine Woche später stirbt die Festplatte, die mich letzt Woche schon drei Tage gekostet hat, dann ganz und komplett. Direkt mal bei der Hotline angerufen (eher unfreundlicher Mensch) um meinen next day Reparatureservice in Anspruch zu nehmen. Natürlich gilt der nicht fürs Wochenende...

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

not a Badger but a Hedgehog

there is no a badger in our Nematodes, but we got a hedgehog - a sonic hedgehog even(!) - somebody fancy a look? 

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

working in the flow...

I turn the music up, I got my records on

 I shut the world outside until the lights come on

Maybe the streets alight, maybe the trees are gone

I feel my heart start beating to my favourite song



I turn the music up

I'm on a roll this time...

ist es falsch f??r Lachbach zu sein?

Habe mich gestern Abend dabei ertappt für Gladbach zu sein. Spiel lief im Hintergrund und ich fand die habe eher unverdient verloren. Das muss man sich mal überlegen für Gladbach!!!

Monday, 20 August 2012

Facebook multiposts?

Have been told tod.. eh yesterday that my autoposts from here appear multiple times on Facebook. Don't actually know why and didn't notice, as I did not login there for quite a while (yaeh!). So SORRY if anybody felt spammed by Dolphins). Will try to find time (eh!!!) to check on that tomorrow and go to FB and check there (also strange as posts are only once at Twitter).
Heu... ??h gestern wurde mir erz??hlt, dass meine Autoposts hier manchmal mehrfach auf Facebook landen. Keine Ahnung warum; hatte es nicht bemerkt weil ich seit Wochen selbst nicht auf FB war (cool!). Auch seltsam, weil die Posts auf Twitter nur einmal sind. Also SORRy an alle, die von Delphinen gespammt wurden und ich versuch morgen die Zeit zu finden das mal zu pr??fen auf Facebook.

insomnia: who needs sleep anyhow? Schlaf - pfff..

just read what my department asks for to allow for 'dissertation through papers'... well, seems like sleep is no longer really an option. who needs that anyway?
somebody knowing someone in the US airforce per chance? just, these go/no-go pills start to appeal. :D what fun!

grad die neue Pr??fungsordnung zur kumulativen Promotion gelesen. Wer braucht eigentlich Schlaf? Vollkommen ??berbewertet... Ach was, alles schafbar. Nur, hey ihr Medizner, wo ihr euch doch eh grad selbst aus dem Schrank versorgt... :D Spass!

Sunday, 19 August 2012

16:05, warm (better than cold!), and no lab frustration today

nearly 37 inside, 36 outside! fingers sticking to keyboard. getting time to go and get some sun...

fast 37 Grad drinnen, 36 draussen! Meine Finger kleben an der Tastatur. Wird Zeit raus in die Sonne zu gehen...


E.O. Wilsons vs. R. Dawkins (and all the others)

Wilson reminds us of other theories that sparked scientific disputes ultimately leading to advancements in the field. Besides DNA he picks string theory, isn't the latter one just having a very hard time, also in connection to Higgs mass fitting into the 'standard' theories (I am no physicist, but see: Not Even Wrong).


inside 32 / outside 32 Celsius

Saturday, 18 August 2012

the heat is on :D

and todays firs experiment: will it be hotter in CsgBc (Cologne's glorious Biocenter) or out there?

as of 1020am: inside 25 outside 26.


erstes Experiment für heute: wird es im glorreichen Biozentrum Köln (gBK) oder draussen heißer?

um 1020 morgens wie folgt: drinne 25, draussen 26 Grad. 

sun, a breeze

a perfect day to do somehting outside, sailing maybe... (okay, well doing dna work and writing papers).

Sonne und leichter wind in Köln. Super eigentlich um was draussen zu unternehmen, naja... (also ich arbeite dann mal weiter :D)

Friday, 17 August 2012

a chimp post-doc!!!

a notch signaling review reviewed

Just been reading a review on the Notch signaling pathway (The Notch signalling system: ..., Nat. Rev. Gen., Sept. 12, doi:10.1038/nrg3272). It is a nice and easy read (which is very good for a review) and explains many things in ample detail. 

Just wondering why almost everything to be published at this level these days seemingly has to be brought into connection with cancer? The review would be equally informative without that information (and I just guess every cell signaling pathway can be brought into connection with cancer, so what is it about that?). 

Further the statement that notch is special in having an 'exeptional sensivity [...] to gene dosage' stikes as a bit odd. For sure it is special in inducing defects when being in the genome just once, or thrice (instead of the diploid set up: twice). However, could one not say that morphogen forming genes are also acting via their dosage, in this case the dosage of protein at a certain point? Of course dosage is a defined term, but let's just look at the meaning. But maybe that's wrong? Please comment.

Finally suggesting that 'Notch should no longer be considered in isolation as a strictly linear pathway' is a bit, well maybe just weak as a final statement. Everything is just interconnected, isn't it? Which pathway is action on it's own?  

I very much like the advocation for 'multipronged approaches' and the interaction maps.


Ist das spannend genug jetzt Marike? :D


Thursday, 16 August 2012

back in business

Took me only three days to finally figure what's wrong with my work computer. Finally found that it is a know error (to the vendor) for my harddisk to fail after 5184 hours and then go down once every hour. sweet! Anyway, back to work finally!!! Adding a photo of the left rear tire of the rental car second day of Highland trip...

Hat auch nur drei Tage gedauert, bis ich heraus fand, dass meine Festplatte einen Fehler hat, den der Hersteller schon kannte. Das Ding setzt einfach nach 5184 Stunden aus und geht ab dann einmal die Stunde aus. Super! Naja, endlich wieder am Arbeiten!!! Dazu ein Photo des linken Hinterrads am Leihwagen vom zweiten Tag des Highlandurblaubs...


Monday, 13 August 2012

Aspirin a scientist true best friend

Coming back to Cologne after more than five weeks the first thing to come up was my allergy - the air is just to stuffy here in summer (well, even Cologne can't be perfect). Did I tell how I liked the air in Edinburgh?!? Anyway, thanks to Aspirin I can work and already feel like adapting to the glorious Biocenter climate (which is even more stuffy).

Yesterday also marked the day of having survived three weeks without emails (and 4 weeks no FB login). YES! And only bit more than 250 in my inbox.

Well, now, I would say back to work... However my workstation is having some serious problems and thus I am once again fixing a computer (which means googleing like mad and askind the experts actually) instead of paper writing - Yeah!




Sunday, 12 August 2012


In the beautiful town of Aberfeldy, where Robert Burns wrote "The Birks of Aberfeldy", I bought a book in a nice bookshop located in an old water mill. It's called Thinking, Fast and Slow, written by Daniel Kahneman. The author describes how our brain is governed by two systems - an excellent read (though I am interested to hear what my sister has to say on this).


Im Städchen Aberfeldy, kaufte ich mir in einer kultigen Buchhandlung in einer alten Wassermühle das Buch Thinking, Fast and Slow von Daniel Kahneman. Er beschreibt darin, wie unser Gehirn von zwei Systemen gesteuert wird, ein sehr interessantes Thema und sehr gut geschrieben.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

DOLPHINS!!! (a reason to go online)

just have to break my self-imposed vow not to go online this holiday for this (and well i am not checking emails, so i guess i can be okay with me self). ;-) A whole Dolphin school just outside Ullapool Harbour on a 2 hour cruise (on the Summer Queen) taken to get some bird pics. And these are just some of the photos:

für das hier muss ich einfach meine für diesen Urlaub selbst auferlegte Internetabstinenz unterbrechen (und da ich ja keine Emails lese denke ich es ist ja okay). ;-) Also auf einer Bootstour (auf der Summer Queen) vom Hafen von Ullapool aus - unternommen um ein paar Vögel zu photographieren - tauchte eine Delphinschule auf:

